Mind +

Reduce the mental
health factor that affect and increase the risk of a preterm birth

Want to be part of the change?

Diverse studies have shown that high levels of stress and anxiety increased the prevalence of preterm labor.

Want to be part of the change?

Diverse studies have shown that high levels of stress and anxiety increased the prevalence of preterm labor.

Why choosing Mind+?

Dozen of clinical trials have proven that CBT based treatments can decrease high levels of stress and anxiety:

Why choosing Mind+?

Dozen of clinical trials have proven that CBT based treatments can decrease high levels of stress and anxiety:

Step 1:
Mental health assesment

Step 2: The coach prescribes mental fitness excercises

Step 1:
Mental health assesment

Step 2: The coach prescribes mental fitness excercises

Group 264

Step 3:

Self-guided exercises

Follow ups

On demand content

Step 3:

Self-guided exercises

Follow ups

On demand content

Step 4:
Connect with other mothers



Support groups

Step 4:
Connect with other mothers



Support groups

Want to be part of the change?

Let’s create high quality life to change society since the beginning.